Website Manager



Board Descriptions

Board Position are a Two Year Term – Voted by the Annual Membership (unless otherwise noted in the ByLaws)

President (voting):

The President shall direct the officers, committees, and boards, and shall act as the presiding officer at all meetings of the Board of Directors and General Membership.  The President shall be responsible for conducting the business of the Capital Area Soccer Association for making rulings which interpret policy of the Board of Directors, for coordinating the activities of the Capital Area Soccer Association, for general administration, and for other duties as the Board of Directors may approve or direct.

Vice President (voting):

The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall recommend long range projects and goals for the betterment and growth of the Capital Area Soccer Association.

Past President (non-voting):

This is an advisory position to the current president.  The out-going president will automatically fill this position.

Treasurer (voting):

The Treasurer shall oversee the collection of all dues and fees, shall have charge of all monies, issue bills and receipts for dues and fees, and pay all bills due of the Capital Area Soccer Association including payment of referees.  The Treasurer shall maintain checking and savings accounts in a reputable bank in the name of the Capital Area Soccer Association, with signature requiring two of the following: President or Treasurer and second signature from another board member.  The Treasurer shall keep a detailed record of income and expenditures and submit a detailed monthly report to the Board of Directors and a written general report at each Annual Membership meeting.

Secretary (voting):

The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and shall maintain and distribute meeting notices of all meetings, and a calendar of events.  With input from the Board of Directors, the secretary shall prepare for the approval of the President. The calendar of events, including Capital Area Association and SDSSA deadlines and milestone, and shall update the calendar as necessary.  The Secretary shall assist the President at all meetings in determining and maintaining these deadlines and shall perform other duties as directed by the President.

Registrar (voting):

The Registrar shall be responsible for executing the registration of teams and players with the Capital Soccer Association and with the South Dakota State Soccer Association (SDSSA).  The Registrar shall maintain team and player registration records including team rosters and coaches.  The Registrar will also coordinate mass communication via website and email.

Referee Coordinator (voting):

The Referee Coordinator is responsible for pre-season referee courses and tracking ref license history.  This position assists with game schedules and assigns refs accordingly to games for each season.  During the season, the Referee Coordinator is the main contact for assisting refs, scheduling conflicts, game issues and issues that may arise.

Trustees (voting):

Trustees, up to 5 of them, will assist the board in all areas and help keep lines of communication open between the association members and the community to the board.  The full membership may elect one to five trustees to serve on the Board of Directors, for each fiscal year and during the fiscal year the Board of Directors may appoint a trustee to fill a vacancy, if there is a Trustee positions open.  One Trustee will be represented by the Pierre Indian Learning Center (PILC) and PILC may appoint an individual, of their choosing, to represent them.

Coordinators –

Division Coordinators (non-voting): include U6, U8, U10, U12, U13+.

Coordinators are responsible for organization in their division.  Duties include: team selection, assigning coaches to teams, game schedule review, skills training sessions, overview of division rules and will report to the board with concerns or requests.  Coordinators will assist with tournament events from start to finish.

Equipment Coordinator (non-voting):  Coordinator will organize and review equipment inventory each season for storage and replacement processes.  Duties include pre-season organization for equipment pickup and post-season gathering of equipment.  Coordinator will report usage needs and/or safety concerns to the board.

Scheduling Coordinator (non-voting):  Coordinator will gather division team names each season to develop the game schedule for the current season.  Timeframe to complete the schedule is one week from the Team Selection night.  Division Coordinators review second and Referee Coordinator reviews third before posting to the website.

Concessions Coordinator (non-voting):  Coordinator will organize and clean concession stand pre/post season.  Duties include ordering item for sale in the stand during the season.  Will open and close the stand each game night with money deposited to Treasurer each night.  Coordinator will work with Division Coordinators to help organize volunteers for the stand on games nights and special events.

Field Coordinator (non-voting):  Coordinator will be responsible for keeping the CASA and Hilgers soccer field complexes updated with fresh paint at least two times a week during the six week rec seasons and the fall high school season from tryouts to state tournament timeframe.  Coordinator will maintain paint machines and paint inventory throughout the year and report any issues to the board.

Fundraiser Coordinator (non-voting):  Coordinator will lead all fundraising events with planning and set up and final report to the board of directors.

Communications Coordinator (non-voting):  Coordinator will help maintain the website, Facebook page and develop flyers and newsletter items during the year.  Coordinator must have fast access to these areas when timely information is needed quickly.

Risk Manager (non-voting): The Risk Manager provides guidance to the board of directors in the areas of the organization as it protects and provides a safe and healthful environment for all players, coaches, officials and participants during any season offered by CASA.  The manager will serve as a liaison from CASA to the SDSSA RM.  Will insure volunteers complete an online volunteer disclosure form. Assist in investigating complaints brought to the board and report findings to their Club/Association President and the SDSSA RM.


Capital Area Soccer Association
PO Box 704 
Pierre, South Dakota 57501

Email: [email protected]

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